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I have been teaching at Woodlawn Elementary School since I graduated from Austin Peay State University in 2008. My husband and I have three grown children & we're proud to call Woodlawn our home. I consider it a privilege to teach your child! I encourage you to take an active role in your child's education. As a team, we will create a positive home-school environment and have a very successful school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
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  • In addition to the Supply List, please send headphones or earbuds (whichever is preferred) for your child to use on their laptop computer.

  • Class Wish List:
    • Individual bags of M&Ms or Skittles (for math)
    • Treasure Box Items
    • Cheap white paper plates
    • White paper lunch bags
    • Brown paper lunch bags

  • Please do NOT send: rulers, colored pencils, markers,  mechanical pencils, or pencil sharpeners. 

Rule Number 1:  Follow directions quickly.

Rule Number 2:  Raise your hand for permission to speak.

Rule Number 3: Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.

Rule Number 4:  Make good choices!

Classroom Books